- Winner of “The Plan Award 2024” in the “Culture” section with the project “Riqualificazione e Restauro Della Crypta Balbi” (2024)
- Honorable mention "The Plan Award 2024" in the “Renovation” section with the project “Riqualificazione del Mercato di santo Stefano di Ferrara” (2024)
- Mention award IN/ARCH 2023 Calabria, with the project “Parco della Piedichiusa” (2023)
- Winner of “The Grand Prix Casalgrande Padana 2022” with the project “Centro servizi Monte S. Giovanni Campano” (2022)
- Winner of “The Plan Award 2021” in the “Renovation/Future” section with the project “Valorizzazione, restauro dell’ex convento di S. Benedetto” (2021)
- Award Winner IN/ARCH 2020 Lazio with the project “Cimitero di Frascati” (2020)
- Award Winner IN/ARCH 2020 Campania with the project “Cimitero di Pianura” (2020)
- Finalist “The Plan Award 2020” in the “Public Space/Future” section with the project “Nuova Chiesa Parrocchiale di Cannavà Rizziconi” (2020)
- Finalist “The Plan Award 2020” in the “Public Space/Future” section with the project “ampliamento del cimitero di Frascati” (2020)
- Winner of “The Plan Award 2019” in the “Public Space/Future” section with the project “Hall for the Buddhist cult” (2019)
- German Design Award, Auditorium della Tecnica (2019)
- Iconic Design Award, Auditorium della Tecnica (2018)
- Iconic Design Award, Frascati Cemetery (2018)
- “Luisa Minazzi Environmentalist of the years” Award in Casale Monferrato for the ability to produce beauty and awareness in urban space. (2018)
- “Urban Promo: Urbanistic Award” in the “Quality of infrastructures and public Spaces” (2016)
- Pertica Award, Oscar of the City of Rome, Municipality of Rome (2015)
- MAAM Award, XII triennial of Architecture in Sofia, with the projects “Daoviet Smart City, Vietnam”, and “University of Science and Technology, Hanoi” (2015)
- National Award of Architecture in Selinunte (2014)
- Finalist in the “Future Planning” section at the “World Architecture Festival”, Singapore, October 2–4 (2013)
- Candidate for the “2012 Golden Medal Award for Italian Architecture” (redevelopment and restoration section) organized by the Triennial of Milan with the project “Restoration and reuse of the Ex Annunziata Church in Foligno into a contemporary art Museum” (2012)
- Finalist in the “New and Old: Creative reuse and adaption” section at the World Architecture Festival – Barcelona. November (2011)
- Finalist in the “Future Planning” section at the World Architecture Festival, Barcelona, November 3–5 (2010)
- InterARCH XII Award at the Triennial of Architecture in Sofia with the project “Multi-purpose center for harbor uses at the San Cataldo dock in Taranto’s port” (2009)
- Candidate for the “Real Estate Awards” with the project: “Multi-purpose center for harbor uses at the San Cataldo in Taranto’s port” (2009)
- Architect of the year, recognition of Il Sole 24 Ore journal (2008)
- Invited with the project “Dionisocity” at the XII Biennial in Venice (2008)
- European Architecture Award “Luigi Cosenza” (2002)
- Candidate for the “Golden Medal of Italian Architecture”; Touristic equipment: Camping in the wood, in Collato Sabino (2001)
- Winner of the First prize RomArchitecture, second edition of the award for the development of contemporary architecture in Lazio “Luigi Picconato” Award for the realization of touristic equipment in camping Collato Sabino, Rome, October 7th (2001)
- Winner of a scholarship in Madrid in the framework of the “Leonardo GI-Staff” program for the coordination of Leonardo’s post-Lauream scholarships (1999)
- Redevelopment waterfront Messina, Italy, 1° prize (2024)
- Reuse of the Santa Chiara to be converted into a library, Termini Imerese, Italy, 1° prize (2024)
- Redevelopment of the entrance and roof of the Museo Egizio, Torino, Italy, 1° prize (2024)
- Implementation of the Parco Urbano “Bari costa sud”, Bari, Italy, 1° prize (2023)
- Redevelopment of the seafront of Cagliari, Italy, 1° prize (2023)
- Restoration and redevelopment of the church of S Teresa d’Avila, Cosenza, Italy, 1° prize (2023)
- Enhancement of the ancient Kroton, Crotone, Italy, 1° prize (2023)
- Redevelopment of the archaeological area of Cripta Balbi, Italy, 1° prize (2023)
- Construction of residential buildings in the renovation of Messina, Italy, 1° prize (2023)
- Renovation of the buildings of the complex di S. Angelo Magno, Italy, 1° prize (2023)
- Concept design del progetto coworking for environmental impact, Italy, 1° prize (2022)
- Construction of social housing in the city of Taranto, Italy, 1° prize (2022)
- Restoration and fitting out of Palazzo Bonelli, Barletta, Italy, 1° prize (2022)
- Redevelopment of the waterfront, Marina di Palma, Italy, 1° prize (2022)
- Accommodation of the Terminal TPL, Genova, 1° prize (2022)
- Construction of a kindergarten in Poggino, Viterbo, 1° prize (2021)
- Project for the development of the port area of Bari, Mola di Bari, Italy, 1° prize (2021)
- Redevelopment of the headquarters SACE s.p.a, Piazza Poli, Italy, 1° prize (2021)
- Landscape redevelopment of the area of Torre del Diavolo, Bari, Italy, 1° prize (2020)
- Reconstruction of primary school in Piazza Amendola, S. Marzano, Italy, 1° prize (2020)
- Parish complex “St. Teresa of the Child Jesus” in Cannavà di Rizziconi, Italy, 1° prize (2020)
- Redevelopment of the municipal nursery school “S. Gregorio”, Rome, Italy, 1° prize (2020)
- Redevelopment of the area “Lido dei bagni”, Torri del Benaco, Italy, 1° prize (2020)
- Redevelopment of the former inn of Castelvecchio, Stupinigi, Italy, 1° prize (2019)
- Redevelopment and reuse of the “Fish Market” complex in Porto Torres, Italy, 1° prize (2019)
- Nursery school, civic center and green area in Grottaperfetta, Rome, Italy, 1° prize (2018)
- Participative path and technical-economic sustainability studies of the public buildings, Palmanova, Italy, 1° prize (2018)
- University Campus and facilities in Latin America (Sapienza University), Italy, 1° prize (2017)
- Conservative restoration of the ”Convent of St. Benedetto“, Ferrara, Italy, 1° prize (2017)
- Redevelopment plan for the old city of Taranto, Italy, Finalist (2016)
- Redevelopment of the “ex Manifattura Tabacchi” in Bari, Italy, Finalist (2016)
- Urbanpromo Urbanistic Prize, 2016: “Infrastructures and public Space quality” ,1° Prize (2016)
- Renewal of the Auditorium in the headquarter of Confindustria in Rome, Italy, 1° prize (2015)
- University of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam, Finalist (2015)
- Sustainable city DaoViet City in Ha Long bay, Vietnam, a Finalist in the "World Architecture Festival" (2013)
- Redevelopment of the Civic Museum in Prato, Italy—Finalist (2012)
- Restoration of the Visitation Monastery in the Culture Citadel in Reggio Calabria, Italy, 2° Prize (2012)
- University Campus Usi/Supsi in Lugano, Viganello, Finalist(2012)
- Receptive touristic centre in Gallodoro (ME)—Finalist (2012)
- Redevelopment of the Robersart Castle’s park in Wambrechies, France, 2° Prize (2011)
- Shopping malls and residential residences in Gubbio, Italy, 2° Prize (2011)
- Redevelopment of the St. Michael-Plate in Neutraubling, Germany, Finalist (2011)
- Redevelopment of the Schiavonea waterfront in Corigliano Calabro, Italy, 1° Prize (2011)
- Reorganization of a center in Flamingo, Vietnam, 1° Prize (2011)
- Hotel center in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Finalist (2011)
- Reuse of the ex Annunziata Church and Contemporary Art Museum, Finalist for the new/old category at the World Architecture Festival, 2011
- Expansion of the Barra, Pianura and Soccavo cemeteries in Naples area, Italy, 1° Prize (2010)
- Expansion of the Frascati cemetery, Italy, 1° Prize (2010)
- Towers for apartments and redevelopment of the Perfect hotel in Ha Dong, Vietnam—Finalist (2010)
- Sport Palace in Lamezia Terme, 3° Prize
- New tower for Ferrari in Maranello, a Finalist project at the World Architecture Festival (2010)
- Urban park in Chioggia (VE)—Finalist (2010)
- Residences and shops in the old town of Forchheim, Germany—Finalist (2010)
- Sustainable social houses in Rome, Italy—Finalist (2010)
- Sport center in Nuremberg, Germany—Special Mention (2009)
- Redevelopment of the Vesuvio’s Park railway in Naples, Italy, 2° Prize (2009)
- Piedichiusa Park in Lamezia Terme, Italy, 1° Prize (2009)
- Reconditioning of the Oltretorrente quarter, Parma, Finalist (2009)
- Residential skyscraper, Ha Long City, Vietnam, 1° Prize (2009)
- Urban garden, underground infrastructures in the Matera and Sassari Districts—Special Mention (2009)
- Redevelopment of the Douro of Oporto, Portugal, 2° Prize (2008)
- Redevelopment of the Vico Commercio-Vico Lombardi in the Barisano Rock in Matera, 3° Prize (2008)
- Sustainable houses for public housing in Road Bembo, Rome, 1° Prize (2008)
- Building redevelopment of the Corviale fourth floor, Rome, 1° Prize (2008)
- Redevelopment of the old town of Sammichele in Bari, 1° Prize (2008)
- Multi-purpose service desk for harbor uses in the San Cataldo dock in Taranto Harbor, 1° Prize (2008)
- Maritime station and multi-purpose buildings in the Vado Ligure harbor (SV)—Finalist (2008)
- Redevelopment of Via Sparano and the public spaces of Borgo Murattiano, Bari, 1° Prize (2008)
- Architecture, urban planning and functional road axis in Metaponto Lido, Italy, 2° Prize (2007)
- Redevelopment of quarter Vydrica in Bratislava, Slovakia, 1° Prize (2007)
- Redevelopment of the Rapallo waterfront, 2° Prize (2006)
- Los Cristianos harbor in Santa Cruz, Tenerife, 2° Prize (2006)
- Public spaces in Catania: Montessori square (3° Prize), Michelangelo square (3° Prize), Santo Spirito square (2° Prize) (2006)
- Redevelopment of the Fregene waterfront: the gates to the sea, 2° Prize (2007)
- Connection between Nemi and the lake, 1° Prize (2006)
- Redevelopment and expansion of the Mazzacurati school Campus in Rome, 1° Prize (2006)
- “City of Art”, Reggio Calabria, Finalist (2005)
- Citadel School of Locride in Reggio Calabria, 3° Prize (2005)
- Architectural and urbanistic redevelopment of the monumental area of Naples, 1° Prize (2005)
- Renovation of three spaces for dining in museums Certosa and St. Martino in Naples, Finalist (2005)
- Redevelopment of the square of the triumphal Chariot of the Madonna della Bruna—Special Mention (2005)
- Redevelopment of the Cardinal Pacca square’s areas in Benevento—Special Mention (2005)
- Restoration and setting up of Ex Caserma Cosenz into Museum of the sea, an artistic museum, a public library, Archive and multi-purpose center in Gaeta (LT): 1° Prize (2005)
- Redevelopment and expansion of the nursery and primary school Grilli in Rome, 1° Prize (2005)
- Environmental restoration: the Port and the City, Marina di Carrara (MS): 1° Prize (2005)
- Exhibit of the History and Medicine Museum in Padova, Finalist (2004)
- High School Campus in Schio, Finalist (2004)
- Redevelopment of the civic center of San Giovanni Teatino (CH): 2° Prize (2004)
- Redevelopment of the Old Town of Lanuvio, Rome, 2° Prize (2004)
- Redevelopment of the Rome waterfront, “Area of natural Interest,” 1° Prize (2004)
- New scholastic complex in Francavilla al Mare (CH): 4° Prize (2004)
- Redevelopment of the old town of Montesarchio (BN): 2° Prize (2004)
- Architecture Award Luigi Cosenza, Special Mention (2003)
- “Living and Elderly”, hospice in Pesaro, 1° Prize (2003)
- Urban redevelopment of the Pyrgi waterfront in Santa Severa, Rome, 2° Prize (2003)
- Redevelopment of the Santa Marinella waterfront, Rome, 3° Prize (2003)
- Primary school in Marotta di Fano (PU): Finalist (2003)
- Hospice in Nemetschek, Special Mention (2003)
- Redevelopment of G. Marconi square and via Valle in Monte S. Giovanni Campano (FR): 1° Prize (2003)
- Reuse of the ex-Annunziata Church as a Museum of Contemporary Art, Foligno (PG): 1° Prize (2003)
- Redevelopment of Fattori school in Rome, 1° Prize (2003)
- Redevelopment and restoration of the urban sector “covered market hall” in Ortona (CH): 2° Prize (2002)
- Restoration of “Cardinal Cicada Palace” in Atri (TE): Finalist (2002)
- Restoration of the Chamber of Commerce in Frosinone, (2002)
- Redevelopment of the Cestia Pyramid at the Circus Maximus, Rome—Special Mention (2001)
- Restoration of G. Mazzini, C. Battisti squares and Matteotti street in Nettuno (RM)—Special Mention (2001)
- Art Architecture City Accomodation Augusto Imperatore square; Expositions Palace; Special Mention (2001)
- Redevelopment of St. Quentin Trappes in Yvelines, France, 2° Prize (2001)
- Touristic Camping in Collalto Sabino (RI): 1° Prize (2001)
- Italian Space Agency headquarters in Rome—Special Mention (2000)
- Venice Biennale, “Less Aesthetics, More” Ethics—Special Mention (2000)
- Transformation of San Lorenzo in Rome—Special Mention (2000)
- European 5 project for a telematic citadel in Savona, 1° Prize (1999)
- Via Caracciolo waterfront, Naples, 1° Prize, ex aequo (1999)
- Tercas Architecture XIII prize in Giulianova (TE)—Special Mention (1999)
- Telecom showroom in Rome, 1° Prize ex aequo (1999)
- European Consultation ’99 FOR ARCHITECTURE in the fiftieth anniversary of the seventh CIAM in Bergamo, 1949: Selected Project (1999)
- Reuse of the Sporting Club in the municipal offices in Rome, 1° Prize (1999)
- Redevelopment of the fair and the slaughterhouse in Sant’Egidio alla Vibrata (TE): 3° Prize (1998)
- National Prize of Architecture Luigi Cosenza, fifth edition, Special Mention (1998)
- Redevelopment of the center of Nulvi in Sassari, 3° Prize (1998)
- “ARCE ‘98” Award for a residency in Poggio Catino (RI): 1° Prize ex aequo (1998)
- Historical Villages and Torrente Morla in Bergamo—Special Mention (1998)
- Liberty square in Turriaco, Gorizia—Special Mention (1998)
- Headquarters of the Congress Center in Eur, Rome—Special Mention (1998)
- “Anargiry square” in Salonicco, Greece, 1° Prize ex aequo (1997)
- Project for Villa Clemente in Roseto degli Abruzzi, in Terano (TE)—Special Mention (1997)
- European 4, redevelopment of Vydrica quarter in Bratislava, 1° Prize (1996)
- Hundred squares redevelopment, Borgoncini Duca-Parco Piccolomini square, Rome, 1° Prize (1996)
- Restoration of Pontassieve, Florence, Special Mention (1996)
- Redevelopment of the touristic harbor in Palau (OT): 4° Prize (1996)
- Restoration of the AMCM headquarter, Modena, Special Mention (1995)
- “Living in the City” (Special Mention) (1995)
- European 2, Living the City—Special Mention (1993)